A Day in the Life of a Dealing Representative featuring Imran Tahid

A Spotlight on Canada’s DR Community

Imran Tahid

1. Tell us about your background and what made you gravitate towards the private markets?

I have over 18 years of experience as an advisor in the financial industry promoting financial wellness across all investment, insurance, credit and banking product/service lines appropriate to life stage or life event with reputable firms from J.P Morgan Chase to BlueShore Financial and presently at Pinnacle Wealth Brokers.

I gravitated towards the private markets because it allows my clients to establish a well-balanced and "truly diversified" investment portfolio.  Our focus has always been closing the gap between setting goals and achieving them for our clients. We work to create individualized strategies with a focus on the diverse financial products and services we provide.

2. What are some of the biggest changes you have seen since you started?

A lot of regulation changes and stricter compliance overview. Stronger governance with regards to issuers and overall quality products.

3. What is the one thing you want someone unfamiliar with this space to know?

They need to understand you have to go to the clients. The clients don’t typically come to you, like they are going to the banks, at least for the first several years in the industry.

4. What are your ‘go to’ features that you look for when completing KYP on a given product for suitability consideration?

a) Cost of Capital

b) Management

c) Business Plan (Item 2)

d) Other:

5. Share something interesting about yourself that most people don’t know.

I competed in sprinting in a tryout for the Sydney 2000 Olympics and ran 10.30 seconds. I missed out by 0.5 seconds. I would have qualified if I wasn’t representing Australia. Other countries’ qualifying times were 10.50 seconds. Hahaha


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Olympia Trust Company, Olympia Financial Group Inc., or any of its affiliates. The author’s views and opinions are based upon information they consider reliable, but neither Olympia Trust Company, Olympia Financial Group Inc. nor any of its affiliates, warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such.

Imran Tahid
Dealing Representative, Pinnacle Wealth Brokers Inc.

Imran is originally from Ghana, grew up in the UK and in Melbourne, Australia and moved to Canada in 2003. Imran believes being a good Advisor involves more than simply offering sound investment advice. It takes patience and a commitment to listen and learn about what clients want. Building long-term relationships with clients is one of Imran's top priorities. It is essential to learn where clients have been, where they are now, and what their future goals and objectives are before any advice is given. After so many years of market uncertainty, Imran started looking to find alternative opportunities for his clients to better serve their needs and help them to truly diversify their financial portfolios, which resulted in his transition from the public markets to Pinnacle Wealth Brokers as a Dealing Representative in 2016.

Une journée dans la vie d’un représentant de courtier avec Imran Tahid

Pleins feux sur la communauté des RC au Canada

Imran Tahid

1. Parlez-nous de votre parcours et des raisons qui vous ont poussé à vous orienter vers les marchés privés ?

J’ai plus de 18 ans d’expérience en tant que conseiller dans le secteur financier, promouvant le bien-être financier à travers toutes les gammes de produits/services de placement, d’assurance, de crédit et bancaires, en fonction de l’étape ou de l’événement de la vie. J’ai travaillé pour des entreprises réputées, de J.P Morgan Chase à BlueShore Financial, et actuellement pour Pinnacle Wealth Brokers.

J’ai été attiré par les marchés privés parce qu’ils permettent à mes clients d’établir un portefeuille de placement bien équilibré et « véritablement diversifié ». Notre objectif a toujours été de combler le fossé entre la définition des objectifs et leur réalisation pour nos clients. Nous nous efforçons de créer des stratégies personnalisées en mettant l’accent sur les divers produits et services financiers que nous proposons.

2. Quels sont les changements les plus importants que vous avez constatés depuis que vous avez commencé ?

De nombreux changements de réglementation et une surveillance plus stricte de la conformité. Une gouvernance renforcée en ce qui concerne les émetteurs et la qualité globale des produits.

3. Quelle est la chose que vous aimeriez que quelqu’un qui ne connaît pas cet espace sache ?

Ils doivent comprendre qu’il faut aller vers les clients. En général, les clients ne viennent pas vers vous comme ils vont vers les banques, du moins pendant les premières années du secteur.

4. Quelles sont les caractéristiques que vous recherchez lorsque vous effectuez la connaissance du produit pour un produit donné en vue d’en déterminer l’adéquation ?

a) Coût du capital

b) Gestion

c) Plan d’entreprise (point 2)

d) Autre :

5. Partagez quelque chose d’intéressant sur vous que la plupart des gens ne connaissent pas.

J’ai participé à des essais en sprint pour les Jeux olympiques de Sydney en 2000 et j’ai couru en 10,30 secondes. J’ai raté la marque par 0,5 seconde. Je me serais qualifié si je ne représentais pas l’Australie. Les temps de qualification des autres pays étaient de 10,50 secondes. Hahaha


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Olympia Trust Company, Olympia Financial Group Inc., or any of its affiliates. The author’s views and opinions are based upon information they consider reliable, but neither Olympia Trust Company, Olympia Financial Group Inc. nor any of its affiliates, warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such.

Imran Tahid
Dealing Representative, Pinnacle Wealth Brokers Inc.

Imran is originally from Ghana, grew up in the UK and in Melbourne, Australia and moved to Canada in 2003. Imran believes being a good Advisor involves more than simply offering sound investment advice. It takes patience and a commitment to listen and learn about what clients want. Building long-term relationships with clients is one of Imran's top priorities. It is essential to learn where clients have been, where they are now, and what their future goals and objectives are before any advice is given. After so many years of market uncertainty, Imran started looking to find alternative opportunities for his clients to better serve their needs and help them to truly diversify their financial portfolios, which resulted in his transition from the public markets to Pinnacle Wealth Brokers as a Dealing Representative in 2016.